Bycatch, Description, Statistics, Solutions, & Facts


Bycatch, term for any fish, mammal, bird, or other animal or group of animals captured unintentionally by the commercial fishing industry. Bycatch is closely related to the term discard, which is the amount of haul that is discarded back into the ocean, alive or dead. Bycatch becomes discard when

WCPFC launches all-new Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS) web portal, Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability in the ABNJ

Bycatch, Description, Statistics, Solutions, & Facts

Bycatch Facts — fishermen's finest

What Is Bycatch? It's a Disturbing Aspect Of the Fishing Industry

What is Bycatch? Understanding and Preventing Fishing Bycatch

Alaska tribal groups push for caps on salmon bycatch, while pollock industry seeks genetic, data-driven solutions

A systematic review of sensory deterrents for bycatch mitigation of marine megafauna

Atlantic data Sea turtle bycatch per unit effort (BPUE, #individuals

INFOGRAPHIC: The Devastating Cost of By-Catch in U.S. Fisheries

Global problem of fisheries bycatch needs global solutions

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