Deep catfish puncture wound - Community


Experts warn of dangers of handling catfish after 9-year-old boy

The factories turning West Africa's fish into powder

Wound caused by the Pseudoplatystoma corruscans catfish one day

TIL that catfish whiskers are completely harmless, but it's actually the fins that can cause high amounts of pain : r/todayilearned

Catfish Spine Envenomation: A Case of Delayed Presentation - Nadeem Ajmal, Lillian B. Nanney, Sean F. Wolfort, 2003

Freshwater Catfish Envenoming in a Tropical Country - Sujeewa P.B.

How not to handle a Hard head Catfish

Care Guide for Cory Catfish – The Perfect Community Bottom Dweller

Catfish wound and type of catfish - Pond Boss Forum

First Aid for Catfish Sting - DoveMed

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