IMG_7629-1 - The Face of a Worm, Earthworm on a Toadstool. …


Earthworm on a Toadstool. I have to confess this worm was passing by the Toadstool in the grass as I was photographing fungi and I saw it colour matched perfectly so I gently picked it up and placed it on the Toadstool! I am not sure which of our British Earthworms this is but think it could be the lob worm, Lumbricus terrestris

Biographical Sketch: Worm-like

Biographical Sketch: Worm-like

Discvr Blog - The face of an earthworm under an electron

One Nice Bug Per Day — onenicebugperday: Giant earthworms

Worm, Some leaf eating worm that was crawling on the wall a…

Psychedelic Dreamer - This giant earthworm worm was found in extremely rich forest soil in the foothills of the Sumaco Volcano in Ecuador. It's been identified as a Martiodrilus crassus, which translates

Unique Vintage Earth Worm Image

Biographical Sketch: Worm-like

Weekend Expedition, Ibycter

Worm, We have a mushroom forest, my husband told me. Com…

QBARS - v30n2 Behold a Gardener's Best Friend - The Earthworm

Mind-control worms and eye-bulging fungus: real-life horror from

Nematodes: Phylum Of The Ubiquitous Round Worm

Common Earthworm, NatureRules1 Wiki

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