Why do porpoises and dolphins find it so difficult to avoid


When a dolphin or porpoise is caught or entangled in fishing gear it's known as 'bycatch' and it's the biggest threat they face. Hundreds of thousands die in fishing gear every year, more than 1,000 of these in UK seas. But why does it happen? Why can't they just avoid the nets? Your donation will help us save lives like his. Yes. I'll donate Fishers are often looking for the same prey as dolphins and porpoises in the same areas at the same times of year. The accidental capture can happen when nets or ropes are cast, while fishing gear

Why do porpoises and dolphins find it so difficult to avoid fishing nets? - Whale and Dolphin Conservation

porpoise – The Lone Kayaker

The Bycatch Risk for Dolphins and Porpoises in Small Fisheries

Communication - Dolphin Research Center

Are dolphins really having as much fun as they always seemingly appear to be? - Quora

Blinded by the Noise—Whales and Dolphins in a Noisy Ocean

There Are Possibly Only 30 of These Rare Porpoises Left on the Planet, At the Smithsonian

Why dolphins are deep thinkers, Animal behaviour

Female dolphins prevent unwanted fertilization with complex vaginas, NOVA

porpoise - Kids, Britannica Kids

Dolphins can identify their friends by taste, study shows for the first time

Porpoises vs Dolphins ? What are The Differences - Passport Ocean

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