When is a football/soccer tackle fair and when is it not? - Quora


What do you think about football (soccer)? - Quora

Why do players use their inside foot when crossing in soccer (football)? - Quora

What are some of the most horrific tackles in soccer? - Quora

Why do people think that football is lame? - Quora

Which goal in soccer made you go 'wow'? - Quora

Did the Dutch 'play dirty' in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final? - Quora

Why do Americans call football 'soccer'? What is the problem with calling this sport the same as all normal people? - Quora

Why is soccer more than a game? - Quora

When is a football/soccer tackle fair and when is it not? - Quora

What is pressing in soccer? - Quora

What can I do to improve my tackling in soccer? - Quora

Do you think footballers are really athletes? - Quora

Which football match changed your life? - Quora

Why are soccer players so delicate? One touch and they're on the ground writhing. - Quora

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