A-rigs a great cold-water presentation - Bassmaster


Do you remember a few years ago when Paul Elias won a big tournament on the new Alabama Rig and shocked the world with such a big catch? Well, we’re

Winter Bass Fishing: 5 Lures You Need For Sluggish Fish - Wild Outdoor

Angler stocking stuffers - Bassmaster

These NEW Finesse Fishing Plastics Are INSANE! Great Lakes Finesse!

A-rigs a great cold-water presentation - Bassmaster

2023 ICAST new products preview - Bassmaster

The Ultimate Clear Water Jerkbait Mod - Major League Fishing

Land of giants: New Year revelations - Bassmaster

Proven Late-Summer Bass Presentations - In-Fisherman

Focus on Aggressive Bass During the Early Spring - Game & Fish

Christie Focuses on Water Clarity for Cold-Water Spinnerbait Success - Major League Fishing

The Best Bass Fishing Rigs: An Angler's Guide for 2024

Fishing an Alabama Rig is GREATSometimes

Rigging and a little 'me time' - Bassmaster

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